Filling the Available Time.

When my friend Jeff astutely noted that I might be “cognitively” exhausted from my sojourns here in India, I began to think about how I felt at the end of any time limited period of work. If there was a three week performance run, or a six week tour, or an eight week staging project, the last week always felt the hardest to me. It is as though my body and mind knew just how much energy and focus was required, given that I knew when the end was going to be. Saturday 26th January 2019 was a national holiday, Republic Day. I have often credited professionals in the performing industry with understanding deadlines. When the curtain goes up on a performance, there can be no more delays or excuses. And I have often been caught off guard when encountering professionals in other industries that don’t respect deadlines. I also recognize that completing a project by a certain date or time inevitably is more stressful the closer to ...