A 40-hour Week in a 72-hour schedule.

I’m flying back to New York City for a quick holiday break, which also means that I have passed the halfway mark of my Fulbright-Nehru grant in India. And it feels as though I’ve encountered a trend where the closer I get to departing from the city I have been working in, the busier I seem to get. For the past six days, I have started working at 9:00am and finished my last class at 9:00pm. Admittedly, apart from last Tuesday, I had a few hours to relax in the afternoon. However, I also had to travel between venues every day, and sometimes that constituted between forty-five minutes and an hour and a half in a car. It’s become a pretty solid reality that I need at least an hour between when I wake up and when I can make it out the door to head to work, and I have been using the fifteen minute walk to Starbucks as a meditative exercise to stay focused on each part of my day as it comes. This helps me avoid feeling psychologically overwhelmed at the length and breadth of activities ...