Why am I blogging?

The short answer is to observe how my perspectives may change over time, and to share a few thoughts with friends who live in wildly disparate parts of the world. I have lived most of my life as a traveler, and some of my closest friends have been and are very far away from where I may be living/working at any given time. And I believe that sharing perspectives over time keeps those friendships alive. I mourn the fact that I rarely write postcards anymore, and in recent years, I have relegated the endeavor to when I am visiting somewhere I have never been before, and this happens less and less, as I get older. I think postcards have been my personal gifts to friends with whom I have often wished I could see more often. Most of the time I would select cards with images that appealed to me and seemed to reflect a personal connection to my location in the world. Then I would scan my list of friends and family to match the right card with the right person, and write a personal sen...