Why am I blogging?
The short answer is to observe how my perspectives may
change over time, and to share a few thoughts with friends who live in wildly
disparate parts of the world.
I have lived most of my life as a traveler, and some of my
closest friends have been and are very far away from where I may be
living/working at any given time. And I believe that sharing perspectives over
time keeps those friendships alive. I mourn the fact that I rarely write
postcards anymore, and in recent years, I have relegated the endeavor to when I
am visiting somewhere I have never been before, and this happens less and less,
as I get older.
I think postcards have been my personal gifts to friends
with whom I have often wished I could see more often. Most of the time I would select
cards with images that appealed to me and seemed to reflect a personal
connection to my location in the world. Then I would scan my list of friends
and family to match the right card with the right person, and write a personal
The next challenge would be concision of written expression.
The limited space on a postcard definitely helped me get to the point with my
writing, and at one point in my life, the list of cards to write had grown into
the dozens. Finding the time to write my missives from global locales became
more than just a quick 15 minutes while having coffee in the morning.
Time and technology have changed my address book from
something with physical pages to a virtual collection of data organized by 1’s
and 0’s, but more significantly, I have fewer physical mailing addresses for my
friends. Add to this, the fact that I have many friends who are no longer alive
and with whom I have missed sharing a random thought that they might have
appreciated with humor, disgust or mild interest.
So, I am comfortable if people that I don’t know read my
posts, but they will mostly be written to be shared with those who know me
well, or would like to know me better.
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